Friday, February 25, 2011

Just a 'Somebody' from 'Somewhere' !!

Just check my new poem and say how is it...
It's easier to have dreams but we have to be aware that there are many who have their goals and work hard to achieve them...What chance do we stand infront of them??

Waiting for my chance to break in
this world of dreams and money
i tend to forget that i am just
a dust-bit in this glass of honey

My aims may be big, dreams even bigger
but damn, more deserving than me are many
they work their ass off while I lie lazily
still i think i am just that one and only
to break in this world of dreams and money...

the more the success, even more are failures
the more with hope, even more with lies
this world is dirty and everybody dies
but there's nobody, who from life, shies
everybody works their ass off to win his slice

in this world where everybody snatches from others
i laze here in my bed, with dreams big and clear..
but often I tend to forget I am no King Lear
I am damn ! just a 'Somebody' from 'Somewhere' !!! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A mere comparision between The Bhagwad Gita and The Holy Bible !

Ponder your mind over this... Do great minds (read authors) think alike?
Excerpt from the Bible: (John 1:1) -
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God."

Excerpt from the Vedas: (Krishna Yajurveda,Kathaka Samhita 12.5, 27.1) -
"Prajapatir vai idam agre asit, Tasya vag dviitiya asit, Vag vai paraman Brahman"
which translates word by word into -
In the beginning was Prajapati (Brahman), With whom was the Word; And the Word was verily Brahman.

and Bhagwad Gita also says, " I am Om, the Word that is God "

Is it brilliance and coinciding of minds or simply verbatim?

Friday, February 18, 2011

What he wanted and what he got !

He had a dream, of studying in England! He just loved the sports-passion in the country and always wanted to be a part of it. But he wasn't rich enough to fund his education there.

He completed his studies in India, his home country, got a regular job and got busy. But the dreams of London and Manchester never deserted him! After six years of working hard and living like a pauper, he had accumulated enough wealth to afford a one year Masters program at Liverpool. It was like a dream come true!

Time went on in a trance and within a month he was at the airport leaving for UK. His parents and some friends had come to see him off...He was feeling ecstatic reliving his dream! Soon he board the plane...

And so, he reached his Wonderland!!

The next day was his first day at the University. He prepared himself well, wore a nice jeans, T-shirt and a pullover, picked up a pen and a notebook and set off to the class...

The first guy whom he met was Brian who greeted him and wished him a nice stay at the campus.
The next one changed his life....

It was Sally who was from Leeds. He saw her looking at him and went on to her and introduced himself. She just stared at her and replied non-chalantly, "Yeah! So, you are this typical Indian guy who shuns all the problems of his own country and runs away to countries like these, hoping to make a successful and happy career ! Aren't you?". He just stood there speechless.

Within ten minutes he felt so uneasy that he came back to his dorm without attending any classes. That night he couldn't sleep. The next day, he was in the Air India flight back to Delhi.

Today, he helps farmers of a particular village of Bihar in availing agricultural subsidies and implementing new methods of farming. He also has a small room in his house in the village where he teaches a few eight year kids, the basics of mathematics and language!